Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Newest Project

I have wanted to start a blog about my photography for some time. I was watching a movie and it got me to thinking about it again. So, here I am. :)

I have loved photography for a long time. My first camera was one of those little bitty 110's and most people that know me expect to see a camera in front of my face...most of the time. As kids are born in our family they grow to know that I'm the camera lady.

As I have gotten older, I have learned more but still have a lot to learn on what makes a good photo and how to take them. I do believe however that just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so it goes with photography.

I took a class on photography and one of the things we had to do was to look over 10 or 12 photos and pick the best ones. I admit picked the ones that appealed to me over the "correctly" shot ones. The thing I liked best about the instructor was, afterward, he showed one photo and said it was his favorite. It wasn't a particularly well done one and he said as much. But it was taken on a very important day for his daughter and that made it a priceless photograph!

I guess the thing I love the most about photography is just that. I want to catch those sights and moments that touch us, that inspire us and hold them forever.

So, here goes my first attempt, my new project. Come visit me often and leave me comments if you'd like.


  1. Cool! Can't wait to see more! My granbaby girl is gonna grow up knowing who the paparrazzi is!!!
